Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DIARI PENA : Lompat2 yer~

assalamualaikum wbt

ehem2...huhu da sbulan xmengkesahkn ruangan ni..huhuhuhu...
tetibe terajin nk menaip sepatah 2 kata y xterkata ni di tahun melompat ni... mne tw pjg umuq 4 taun lg bley lg jmpe taun melompat cenggini...bley la tgok bnde ap y jd for da 4 previous years...

2 3 hri lepas ak duk berkire2 hri...ak tertnya2 taun ni taun lompat ke?ahahaha ap daaa... dh kt klender tjuk 29 hri di bln februari ni...lg mau tnya kaa... sjaaa jaa mw tny kengkwn...kot2 ad y xrealize... upe2ny lm rmi2 tu ad y xpasan...keh3...

ap2 pn selamat bthun lompat, jgk slmt stat semster bru..da msuk 2nd ak rse cm da wek 6...huhuuhuhu
overload somtimes i think...then it mke me feel s.t.r.e.s.s...
so, it is starting being homesick!... sobs3...

1st wek everythg should be there (keep it in ur mind).
everybdy must being da competence one!!! no more think about da performance goals...all about ABCDF Grades, but also must think the learning goals...about the ability to  explain it with various things..

either u  are fast learner or slow matter what u must be competence!...
please be 'engage' in all lecture... engage ur mind,intention to obtain the quality knowledges and ideas...

all da time must digest all kind of books... blah blah blah,poor or rich, cash flow..and all da subject books..

da industrial vsit, society, and all da responsiblities claim their rights...huhuhuhu

although everythg being such suck here and there, but the interesting one is...vivid Thnking...visual,verbal,indepedent thinking... are u?heh3..i'm not yet still in progress! lets explore it with our beloved inspire man....PAK TUAN....hehehe

in progress... 'memaknakan kehidupan duniawi n ukhrawi'...with a big heart and humble i would like to say CONGRATULATION pak tuan ur r the excellent teacher! barakallah alaika daiman fi sihhah wal afiah... ameen :)

okie xlrat nk taip dh..
btw, sorry ayt xbpe nk btul sbb tuan dy pn da jd cm unconcious incompetence...ahhaha...
tdo2 nyte.. zZz.. jmpa lg sbln akn dtg..hehehe...i.allh wslm...

ya Allah permudahkanlah sgala urusanku, lapangkan masa ku moga segala amanah dan pertangungjawaban itu sebaik mungkin dpt ku laksanakn...sesungguhnya ak tak punya kudrah n iradah sebagaimana engkau miliki.. justeru dengan rahmatMu ku bermohon dengan kerendahan hati dan jiwaku bantulah aku pimpinlah aku. moga aku tak tersungkur di pintu rahmatMu...ssguhny hdupku matiku serta amalku hnyalah untukMu wahai tuhan sekalian alam...ameen...

pic of this begining sem...

wednesday n friday s session...

let have a seat to discuss :)

thanks my frends~all da best!.....

masa yang banyak vs. masa yang dilapangkan...
~byk masa biasanya kita akan membazirkannya, biar masa itu padat tapi ada kelapangan didalamnya suatu nikmat y susah nak dicari~ ibarat org miskin tapi hatinya bahagia...

try to hve 'seen' to gve 'shown'...


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